What is a Saved Search?

Understand what the Saved Search package does in ProcessMaker Platform.


The Saved Searches package must be installed to use Saved Searches.

Use the Saved Searches package to save and share search parameters associated with Requests, Tasks and Collections. In doing so, you manage the search parameters for your Saved Searches. You may share your own Saved Searches with other users and/or groups. Recipients of your shared Saved Searches can only use your Saved Search to view its search results, but cannot modify your Saved Searches' parameter settings you configured. The name for a Saved Search does not need to be unique. Therefore, multiple Saved Searches may have the same name when your own Saved Search and one shared with you have the same name.

Similar to advanced Request searches, advanced Task searches, and Collection record searches, filter the data that for a Saved Search using ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL).

You may schedule a regular interval in which to email reports for either your own Saved Searches or those shared with you.

Saved Searches are available to all users in the organization on the following pages when the Saved Search package is installed in that ProcessMaker Platform instance:

Request-related pages

Task-related pages

Edit Saved Searches page displays both your Saved Searches and those shared with you
Saved Searches

By default, Saved Searches do not display the number of items that correspond to each Saved Search when viewing the names of Saved Seaches from the left sidebar. If your ProcessMaker Platform instance requires the number of Saved Search items display, submit a Support ticket.

Configure and Share Your Saved Searches

Saved Searches have the following attributes regarding configuring and sharing Saved Searches:

  • Configure your Saved Searches: You create and configure your own Saved Searches. Those that you share with others can only view its search results using the parameters configured in your Saved Searches.

  • Schedule to email reports of your Saved Search results: You may create one or more schedules to email reports for the search results for one of your own Saved Searches. Each schedule can email the report in .CSV or .XLSX format.

  • Hide Saved Searches: You may hide your own Saved Searches. Hiding a Saved Search only hides that Saved Search from the left sidebar of your Request- and Task-related pages. Shared recipients of that Saved Search may still use it to view search results using your Saved Search's parameters.

  • Delete Saved Searches: You may delete your Saved Searches. However, in doing so, they are no longer shared with those users and/or groups with which you have shared them. The recipients of your shared Saved Search will no longer be able to use it to quickly view search results using your Shared Search's parameters.

  • Request-related Saved Searches: Saved Searches associated with Requests display only in the left sidebar of Request-related pages.

  • Task-related Saved Searches: Saved Searches associated with Tasks display only in the left sidebar of Task-related pages.

  • Collection-related Saved Searches: Saved Searches associated with Collections display on the left sidebar of Collection pages. Note that the Collections package must be installed for Collections to be available.

Create Charts to Visualize Your Saved Search Results

Charts help visualize your Saved Search results. Though you can customize in tabular format the data details for your Saved Searches, nothing distills that data like a customized chart. Create and configure two-dimensional charts to visualize Saved Search results after selecting a Saved Search. You may create customized charts regardless of whether you created the Saved Search or if it was shared with you.

Charts use the data results from the Saved Search to visualize those results in a variety of chart types and styles. Chart data may be filtered by using an optional PMQL query that further filters the data from that Saved Search to visualize minute data.

The Charts tab displays charts created for a Saved Search.

Screen designers may also embed Saved Search charts into Form- and Display-type Screens using the Saved Search Chart control.

Configure the following types of Saved Search charts:

See Create Charts to Visualize Saved Search Results.

Saved Searches PackageWhat is a Package?Use Saved SearchesSchedule Email Reports of a Saved Search's ResultsCreate Charts to Visualize Saved Search ResultsWhat is PMQL?What is a Request?What is a Task?What is a Collection?

Last updated


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