Error Description

View the description of a Request's error.


The Errors tab displays the description of the error for a selected Request if an error occurred. The Errors tab only displays if an error has occurred.

Follow these steps to view error description:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. View My Requests, In Progress, Completed, or All Requests page if the request status is Error.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • From the # column in the Request page, click the Request number associated with the Process that you want to view. That Request's summary displays.

  4. Click Errors tab. Errors display per row in a table.

Error Description

The Errors tab displays only if requests are with Error status.

A table summarizes all errors in a Request.

"Errors" tab displays information about a Request with an error (ProcessMaker Platform Enterprise edition)

The Errors tab displays the following summary in tabular format about Request errors:

  • Error: The Error column displays the error description.

  • Time: The Time column displays how long ago the error occurred.

  • Element: The Element column displays to which element the error occurred within the Process associated with the Request.

Below the table, the history of the Request displays all Request actions to the time the error occurred. See Request History.

Last updated


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