Start a Request

Begin an instance of a Process by starting a Request of that Process.

Start a Request

Follow these steps to start a Request:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click +Request from the top options bar. This button is always available.

    The New Request screen displays. This screen displays Processes for which you are authorized to start new Requests. Below is the New Request screen with Processes from which a Request can be started. Processes can be organized into Categories within your organization to make it easier for people in your organization to locate from which Process to start a Request. For example, Processes for Finance, Human Resources, and Purchasing departments can be organized into their own Categories.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Start button to start a Request for the selected Process. A Request is one occurrence of a Process.

    • From the Search field, enter text to filter the list of Processes, and then click the Start button to start a Request for the selected Process.

    A Request starts for the Process you selected.

The New Request screen displays active Processes only. Processes that are of either disabled or archived status do not display in the New Request screen because Requests cannot start for these statuses. If a Process is not visible in this screen, ensure the following:

You may copy the hyperlink that starts a Request from its Start button. To copy a Request's hyperlink, right-click on that Request's Start button, and then use your Web browser's function to copy a hyperlink.

If there are no active Processes or you are not authorized to start a Request for a Process, the following message displays: Please visit the Processes page and click on +Process to get started.

After the Request starts, that Request displays in the My Requests page.

Start a Request Via the ProcessMaker API

The following video demonstrates how to start a Request using the RESTful API.

What is a Request?Cancel a RequestView Your Requests That You StartedView Requests That Are In ProgressView Completed RequestsView All RequestsSearch for a RequestRequest CommentsRequest Summary Descriptions

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