View Documentation for a Process

View documentation for your Processes that includes an image of the Process map, lists all its elements and connectors, and their functional descriptions.


The View Documentation option is available from a selected Process's ellipses menu options from which to view documentation for your Processes. Entered documentation is for informational purposes only and does not affect Request workflow.

The documentation displays as a page within ProcessMaker Platform. Use the Web browser to print or save as a PDF if your browser supports those functions.

Process documentation has the following attributes:

  • The page generated provides the following information about the Process:

    • The name of the Process.

    • When was the Process was last updated and by whom.

    • A description of the Process as entered when creating a new process.

    • An image of the Process map.

    • Names of all Process elements and their unique node IDs.

  • The documented description of each Process element and/or connector. If no description has been entered for an element/connector, No Documentation Found message displays.

Below is an example of a documented Process.

View Process Documentation


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to view documentation for a Process unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Processes permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to view documentation for a Process:

  1. Click the menu, and then select the View Documentation option for your Process. Process documentation displays as a page within ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Alternatively, use the print or save as PDF functions of your Web browser to print or save Process documentation.

Last updated


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