Configure Process Notifications

Edit notifications for Request events for a Process.

Configure Process Notifications

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to configure a Process unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Processes permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Configure Process notifications to notify Request starters and/or participants when any of the following Request events occur:

  • Request started: A Request for this Process started.

  • Request canceled: A Request for this Process was canceled.

  • Request completed: A Request for this Process completed.

  • Request error: A Request for this Process has an error.

  • Request comment: A Request for this Process has comments.

Process notifications can be sent to the following sets of users or group members:

  • Process Manager: The Process Manager is an optional user assigned this role from the Process's configuration. The Process Manager understands the Process design and workflow dynamics to troubleshoot Request routing incidents.

  • Requester: A Requester is any user or group member who has been granted permission to start a Request for this Process.

  • Participants: A Participant is any user or group member who participates in a specific Request for this Process. A Request participant is an individual who is assigned a Task in the Request.

Follow these steps to configure notifications for a Process:

  1. Click the menu, and then select the Configure option for your Process. The Configuration tab displays.

  2. Click the Notifications tab.

  3. Toggle any of the following settings as necessary:

    • Request Started: Toggle the Request Started toggle key to indicate whether Request starters are notified that a Request from this Process started.

    • Request Canceled: Toggle the Request Canceled toggle key to indicate whether Request starters and/or Request participants are notified that a Request from this Process was canceled.

    • Request Completed: Toggle the Request Completed toggle key to indicate whether Request starters and/or Request participants are notified that a Request from this Process completed.

    • Request Error: Toggle the Request Error toggle key to indicate whether Request starters and/or Request participants are notified that a Request from this Process has errors.

    • Request Commented: Toggle the Request Commented toggle key to indicate whether Request starters and/or Request participants are notified that a Request from this Process has comments.

  4. Click Save.

Last updated


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