Search for a Saved Search's Data Details

Filter all the Saved Search's results to find its data details.

Search for a Saved Search's Data Details

Use the Search function to filter all the results for a Saved Search.

Use ProcessMaker Query Language (PMQL) for the most accurate means by which to locate specific Requests.

Package Required

To search for a Saved Search, the Saved Searches package must be installed.

Follow these steps to search for a Saved Search's result:

  1. Enter in the Search setting the text to filter Saved Searches using the Saved Search's name that displays in the Name column.

As you enter text into the Search field, search results display that match your entered text.

If there are no search results, the following message displays: No Data Available.

Saved Searches PackageWhat is a Package?What is a Saved Search?View the Data Details of a Saved Search's ResultCreate and Share a Saved SearchManage Your Own Saved SearchesHide or Show a Saved SearchConfigure a Saved SearchEmail a Report of a Saved Search's Data DetailsGet Notified of Save Search Result ChangesDelete a Saved SearchSchedule Email Reports of a Saved Search's ResultsCreate Charts to Visualize Saved Search ResultsManage Saved Searches

Last updated


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