View Your Requests That You Started

View the status of Requests you've started.

View Your Requests

The My Requests page displays all Requests you started. Request information displays in tabular format.

Follow these steps to view the Requests that you started:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click the Requests option from the top menu if the Requests page is not currently displayed. The My Requests page displays.

Below is an example of the My Requests page that displays Requests the logged on user has started.

The My Requests page displays the following information in tabular format about Requests you started:

  • #: The # column displays the Request number associated with the Process. This number represents the sequential occurrence of that Process.

  • Name: The Name column displays the Process name associated with the Request. Click the Process name to view the Request summary.

  • Status: The Status column displays the status of the Request. The following are possible statuses:

  • Participants: The Participants column displays each Request participant's avatar. Avatars in this column do not indicate the chronological order in which those users participated in that Request. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.

  • Started: The Started column displays the date and time you started the Request. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Completed: The Completed column displays the date and time the Request was completed. If the Request is not completed, this field displays no value for that Request. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

View a Request Summary

To view a Request summary, do one of the following:

  • From the # column, click the Request number associated with the Process displaying in the Name column to view its summary. This number represents the sequential occurrence of that Process.

Search for a Request

Use Request data to search for Requests on this page based on the following criteria:

  • Process: Search using one or more Process names associated with a Request.

  • Status: Search using one or more of the following Request statuses:

    • In progress: Include Requests that are in progress as part of your search criteria.

    • Completed: Include Requests that are completed as part of your search criteria.

    • Error: Include Requests that are in error as part of your search criteria.

    • Canceled: Include Requests that have been canceled as part of your search criteria.

  • Requester: Search using one or more users who started a Request. The currently logged on user is included by default when searching for Requests on this page.

  • Participants: Search using one or more users participating in a Request.

You can do basic and advanced searches for Requests.

If the Saved Searches package is not installed, the Save Search button is not available.

No Requests?

If there are no Requests in this tab, the following message displays: No Results.

Display Information the Way You Want It

Control how tabular information displays, including how to sort columns or how many items display per page.

What is a Request?Start a RequestCancel a RequestView Requests That Are In ProgressView Completed RequestsView All RequestsSearch for a RequestRequest CommentsRequest Summary Descriptions by Status Type

Last updated


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