Summary for Canceled Requests

Learn what information displays in summaries for canceled Requests.


Follow these steps to view a summary for a canceled Request:

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. View one of the following Requests pages:

  3. Do one of the following:

    • From the # column in the Request page, click the Request number associated with the Process that you want to view. That Request's summary displays.

Values in the Request

The Summary tab displays the summary of information entered into Screens and accumulated into the Request to the time of its cancellation.

The Summary tab displays the JSON-formatted key/value pairs in tabular format that represent Screen control data. Information is displayed:

  • Key: The Key column displays the JSON key name that represents the Screen control name the Request participant entered data. For example, a Rich Text control to enter your company's name could have a Variable Name setting value of companyName which would display in the Key column here.

  • Value: The Value column displays that key's value as entered by a person manually interacting with a form. For example, a Text control to enter your name could have the value John Doe which would display in the Value column here.

Below the Summary tab, the history of the Request displays all Request actions. See Request History.

Completed Tasks Summary

The Completed tab displays the summary of all Tasks Request participants completed to the time the selected Request was canceled.

The Completed tab displays the following summary in tabular format about completed Tasks Request participants completed to the time the Request was canceled:

  • #: The # column displays the Task ID associated with its Process. Each time that Task is assigned to a Request participant, the ID for that Task increments by one.

  • Task: The Task column displays the name of each completed Task in the selected Request.

  • Assigned: The Assigned column displays the username's avatar to whom the Task was assigned. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.

  • Due: The Due column displays the date the Task was due. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

Below the table, the history of the Request displays all Request actions to the time the selected Request was canceled. See Request History.

There Are No Completed Tasks?

If the selected Request has no completed Tasks, the following message displays: No Data Available.

Display Information the Way You Want It

Control how tabular information displays, including how to sort columns or how many items display per page.

Files Associated with the Request

Requests store files associated differently depending if the File Manager package is installed. See the following sections regarding how Requests store files:

Files Tab

When the File Manager package is not installed, the Files tab displays the summary of all files associated with the Request to that time. The Files tab only displays in that Request summary if one of the following occurs:

The Files tab displays the following summary in tabular format about the files associated with the Request:

  • File Name: The File Name column displays the name of each file associated with the selected Request. Click the file name to download it to your local computer or network location.

  • MIME Type: The MIME Type column displays the MIME type for the associated file.

  • Created At: The Created At column displays the date the file became associated with the selected Request. The file became associated with the Request when the person who attached it submitted the Screen to which the file was uploaded. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

Below the table, the history of the Request displays all Request actions to the time the selected Request was canceled. See Request History.

File Manager Tab

When the File Manager package is installed, Request summaries the File Manager tab displays all files associated with the Request to that time.

The File Manager tab displays the following summary in tabular format about the files associated with the Request:

  • Name: The Name column displays the name of each file associated with the selected Request. Beside each file's name is its MIME type.

  • Users: The Users column displays the avatar for the Request participant that uploaded each file associated with the selected Request. The file became associated with the Request when the person who attached it submitted the Screen to which the file was uploaded. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.

  • Size: The Size column displays the size of each file associated with the selected Request.

  • Modified: The Modified column displays the date that was modified. The file became associated with the Request when the person who attached it submitted the Screen to which the file was uploaded. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

View a Request Summary Associated with a File

Download a File

Share a File

Follow these steps to share a file with one or more users:

  1. In the Share screen, enter with which user(s) to share this file.

  2. Click Save. The following message displays: Shared users successfully updated.. The user(s) with which the file is shared receives a notification of the shared file.

Files that have been shared with you are in File Manager's Shared With Me folder.

Below the table, the history of the Request displays all Request actions. See Request History.

Forms Associated with the Request

The Forms tab displays the Screen associated with each Task that each Request participant submitted in the Request to that time. For example, if a Request participant entered information into a Screen, all Request participants can view the Request data that the Task assignee entered.

The Forms tab displays the following summary in tabular format about submitted Screens by Request participants to that time in the Request:

  • Screen: The Screen column displays the name of each submitted Screen in the selected Request.

  • Description: The Description column displays the description of each Screen.

View a Screen and Its Submitted Request Data

Below the table, the history of the Request displays all Request actions. See Request History.

There Are No Forms?

If the selected Request has no Screens with submitted Request data, the following message displays: No Data Available.


Each canceled Request displays a summary of the Request to the time the Request was canceled.

The following summary displays about a canceled Request:

  • Requested By: The Requested By field displays the avatar and full name of the person who started the selected Request. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.

  • Child Requests: The Child Requests field displays any child Requests associated with this Request, referred to as the parent Request when a child Request exists. A child Request is one from which this Request automatically started as designed in its associated Process. All child Requests have their own statuses since each routes independently of their parent Request. Click the link for any child Request to view the Request summary for that child Request. For example, a child Request represents a Sub Process. If there are no child Requests associated with this Request, the Child Requests field does not display. The status icon displays beside each child Request. See View Your Requests for descriptions of each status icon.

  • Participants: The Participants field displays each Request participant's avatar in the selected Request to the time the Request was canceled. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name.

  • Request cancellation date: The date and time the Request was canceled displays below the Participants field. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

Request History and Comments

Below the tabular information summarizing the Request displays that Request's history: all Request actions to that time in chronological order. The oldest Request actions display at the top of the Request history.

The following information displays about each event in the Request history:

  • Request participant: The Request participant who performed the action is represented by his or her avatar. Hover your cursor over a user's avatar to view that person's full name. If the system performed an action by running a Script or other automated function, that action is represented by "S" avatar.

  • Date and time the action occurred: To the right of the Request participant displays the date and time the Request action occurred. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

  • Description of the action: To the right of when the Request action occurred displays a description of that action. The system generates this action description.

What is a Request?View Your Requests That You StartedView Completed RequestsView All RequestsSummary for In-Progress RequestsSummary for Completed RequestsSummary for Requests with ErrorsRequest CommentsWhat is a Screen?PDF Generator Package

Last updated


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