Delete a User Extended Property

Delete an extended property that will no longer be available to any user account.

Delete a User Extended Property

Package Required

The Advanced Users package must be installed.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the "Settings: Update Settings" permission to delete User Extended Properties unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

See the Settings permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Deleting a User Extended Property cannot be undone. No screen displays when deleting a User Extended Property to confirm its deletion. After saving changes, the deleted User Extended Property is no longer available to any user account: values configured in each user account for the deleted User Extended Property are removed.

Follow these steps to delete a User Extended Property:

  1. View your User Extended Properties. The Users tab displays.

  2. Locate the User Extended Property to delete.

  3. Click Save. The remaining User Extended Properties display in the Configuration column.

Click the Copy to Clipboard iconto copy the User Extended Properties as a JSON array. Paste the JSON array into any asset that either requires the User Extended Properties or for testing purposes.

What is a User Extended Property?View User Extended PropertiesAdd a User Extended PropertyEdit a User Extended PropertyCopy All User Extended PropertiesAdvanced User PackageWhat is a Package?

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