Create or Edit an Email Server Configuration
Edit an email server configuration.
Create or Edit a New Email Server Configuration
Package Required
The Send Email package must be installed.
Permissions Required
Your user account or group membership must have the "Settings: Update Settings" permission to edit an email server's configuration unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.
See the Settings permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.
Locations from Which to Create a New Email Server Configuration
As part of creating a new email server configuration, the new email server settings display in one of the following locations in the Settings page:
A new tab displays adjacent to the Email Default Settings tab if no other custom email server configurations have been created. The new tab is labeled by default Email Server 1.
A new tab displays adjacent to the last custom email server configuration's tab. The new tab is labeled by default Email Server X, where X is the total number of custom email server configurations created.
Follow these steps to create or edit an email server configuration:
View your email server default settings. The Email Default Settings tab displays.
Do one of the following:
Create a new email server configuration: Click on the +Mail Server button at the top of the Email Default Settings tab or any custom email server configuration's tab. A new tab displays either adjacent to the Email Default Settings tab or the last custom email server configuration's tab.
Edit an email server configuration: Locate the email server configuration to edit.
Optionally, change the name of this email server's alias name. Follow these steps:
Change the name for this email server's alias, and then click on Save.
Optionally, change which mail driver this email server uses. Follow these steps:
Select one of the following options that represent supported mail drivers:
smtp: Click on the smtp option to use the SMTP mail driver.
sendmail: Click on the sendmail option to use the Sendmail mail driver.
mailgun: Click on the mailgun option to use the Mailgun mail driver.
postmark: Click on the postmark option to use the Postmark mail driver.
ses: Click on the ses option to use the Amazon SES mail driver.
Click Save. Subsequent settings for that email server change based on the selected mail driver. See the appropriate topic for your selected mail driver:
Related Topics
What are Email Default Settings?Amazon SES Mail Driver SettingsMailgun Mailer Driver SettingsPostmark Mailer Driver SettingsSendmail Mailer Driver SettingsSMTP Mailer Driver SettingsView Email Server Default SettingsSearch for an Email Server SettingCopy an Email Server SettingClear an Email Server SettingDelete an Email Server ConfigurationSend Email PackageWhat is a Package?Last updated