Web Entry Package
Allow anonymous or authenticated users to start or participate in Requests via a published URL.
The Web Entry package must be installed.
Allow anonymous or authenticated users to start or participate in Requests via a published URL.
The Web Entry package has the following components after it is installed:
Persons can start a Request: Web Entry integrates with the Start Event element configuration settings to allow either an anonymous or authenticated user to start a Request via a Web Entry. In doing so, specify which Screen the Request starter views when accessing the Web Entry's URL, and whether to display a different Screen or be redirected to another URL when the Request starter starts the Request. Each Start Event element in a Process model can be configured with different settings.
Persons can participate in an in-progress Request: Web Entry integrates with the Form Task element configuration settings to allow either an anonymous or authenticated user to participate in an in-progress Request via Web Entry. In doing so, specify which Screen the Task assignee views when accessing the Web Entry's URL, and whether to display a different Screen or be redirected to another URL when the Task assignee submits the Task. Each Form Task element in a Process model can be configured with different settings.
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What is a Package?Process Modeling Element DescriptionsStart Event ElementForm Task ElementLast updated