What is a Process?
Understand what Processes are in ProcessMaker Platform.
Making Process design easy and efficient for any type of process is one of ProcessMaker Platform's core tenets. Let's first understand what a Process is and how it serves you and your business:
A Process is a set of steps and decisions to document how to complete a particular goal, often as efficiently as possible.
A Process may involve people or be completely automated through scripting.
A Process can integrate with external third-party systems and legacy applications to extend their functionality.
Use ProcessMaker Platform to design a model of a Process. The Process model is a graphical representation of the Process.
ProcessMaker Platform uses the Process model as the Process definition to run Requests of that Process. A Request is one occurrence of a Process.
It’s easy for business analysts and business managers to model Processes. Business analysts and business managers understand the business processes that they use in their organizations, and they want to define and improve those processes. For example, business analysts want to learn how much time and money is spent to do work in their organizations, and they want to optimize those processes. In ProcessMaker Platform, we refer to these business experts as “Process designers.”
Any Process designed in or exported from ProcessMaker is BPMN 2.0 compliant. Furthermore, any process to be imported to ProcessMaker Platform must be BPMN 2.0 compliant.
To learn more about how to model a Process, see Process Modeling.
What is a Process Manager?
The Process Manager understands the Process design and workflow dynamics to troubleshoot Request routing incidents. This setting is only available if the Advanced User package is installed. This user is assigned Tasks in this Process's Requests in which workflow would otherwise pause indefinitely because that Request's workflow cannot continue to a valid Task assignee for any of the following reasons:
The Request routes to a Task assignee whose user account is inactive.
The Request routes to the Task assignee's manager, but that user's account is not configured with a manager.
The Task assignee does not have a user account manager, and is a member of two or more groups which have different managers.
The Request routes to a Task assignee in which that user's account is set with the following statuses:
The user's account is set to Out of Office status, but not configured with a delegated user to assign new Tasks while with this status.
The user's account is set to Scheduled status, is not scheduled to work when the Task is assigned, and is not configured with a delegated user to assign new Tasks.
The Process Manager is assigned the Task in that Request, and may then indicate how to route that Request. The Process Manager may optionally cancel that Request if that user is among those selected in the Cancel Request setting.
Specify the Process Manager when configuring a Process.
RPA ProcessMaker Platform Integration
See how ProcessMaker Platform integrates with third-party services Amazon Textract and UiPath Robotic Process Automation (RPA) so a loan application workflow scans, analyzes, and intelligently routes a Request and provision a bot accordingly.
Intended audience: Process designers and business analysts
Viewing time: 11 minutes; contains narration
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