Create a New Signal
Create a new Signal to which any Process may subscribe for use.
Create a New Signal
Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to create a Signal unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:
Signals: View Signals
Signals: Create Signals
See the Signals permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.
Follow these steps to create a new Signal:
View your Signals. The Signals page displays.
Click the +Signal button. The New Signal screen displays.
In the Signal Name setting, enter a name for the Signal. The Signal name setting displays to the Process designers when configuring Signal-type events in Process Modeler. Therefore, provide a concise name for the Signal so Process designers understand its function. This is a required setting.
In the Signal ID setting, enter a unique ID for the Signal. ProcessMaker Platform uses the Signal ID to internally identify this Signal. Signals associated with Collection record events derive their Signal ID values with a prefix containing that Collection's name. Consider the following when entering the Signal ID value:
Signal IDs must be unique and accept alphanumeric characters only.
A Signal that corresponds with a User Signal must have the Signal ID value that corresponds with that User Signal's event. See What is a User Signal?. Ensure that the User Signal is enabled for use.
This is a required setting.
Optionally, in the Additional Details setting, enter a description for the Signal.
Click Save. The Signals page displays the new Signal in the list of all Signals.
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What is a Signal?View SignalsSearch for a SignalEdit a SignalDelete a SignalLast updated