What is a Screen?
Understand how to use Screens in ProcessMaker Platform.
In ProcessMaker Platform, a Screen presents information for a person to interact with or view. An interactive form is an example of a Screen. Any Screen can be re-used in any Process. Many Processes require the same type of information be gathered, such as a person's name, email address, and other business information. In other words, "design once, use anywhere."
Screens also allow people to interact with Request information. Below are a few ways Request participants can interact with Screens:
Enter information into a Request.
Review information and then approve or reject a Request.
Display information from Script output.
Acquire a digital signature, and then display that digital signature in another Screen.
Designers can design Screens that only display information in useful ways:
Insert Saved Search charts to display key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor your business goals.
Insert commonly used information and downloadable files for your employees or a subset of your employees, and then place them into a dashboard for these employees to access. For example, create a dashboard that serves as a portal for all your employees to read special announcements, download the employee handbook, and display relevant Collection record information.
There are many ways to design Screens to digitize your business needs across your business solutions in savvy ways to reuse them across multiple Processes.
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