Clean a Script to Improve its Code

Use ProcessMaker's Artificial Intelligence (AI) to clean a Script using no coding skills.

Clean a Script to Improve Its Code

Clean a Script to improve its coding structure and efficiency. Your Script does not need to have been generated by AI Assistant to clean it.

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to clean a Script:

  • Scripts: View Scripts

  • Scripts: Create Scripts

  • Scripts: Edit Scripts

See the Scripts permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to use AI Assistant to clean a Script:

  1. Edit a Script in which to clean.

  2. Expand the AI Assistant panel. The AI Assistant features display.

  3. Click the Clean option. AI Assistant processes the currently displayed script, and then Script Editor displays two panes:

    • Current Script: The Current Script pane displays the script prior to recommended cleaning.

    • AI Generated Response: The AI Generated Response pane displays the AI-cleaned script. Differences in code from the script in the Current Script pane display with the following code highlighting:

      • Additional code: Additional code displays with a green-colored highlight.

      • Removed code: Removed code displays with a red-colored highlight.

    If Cornea AI recommends no cleaning changes, the following message displays: Nothing to clean..

  4. Click one of the following buttons from the AI Generated Response pane:

    • Apply: Click the Apply button to accept the AI-cleaned script. Script Editor displays the AI-cleaned script in its default view.

    • Cancel: Click the Cancel button to not accept the AI-cleaned script. Script Editor displays the current script in its default view.

Script Editor OverviewGenerate Your Script Using AI AssistantDocument a ScriptExplain How a Script FunctionsDevelop Your Script in Script EditorEnter Mock Request Data Coming Into Your ScriptEnter Other JSON Data as Input to Your ScriptTest Your ScriptPass Request Data into Your ScriptEnvironment Variable and Magic Variable Syntax, Usage, SDK, and Script Examples

Last updated


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