What is a Designer Home Screen?

Learn what the Home Screen is for Process Designers, and how they organize your Project assets.


The Designer Home Screen is your "home location" that organizes your daily work as a Process Designer. In one location, quickly access Projects and their related assets.

Quickly access the following:

View the Designer Home Screen

Follow these steps to view the Designer Home Screen:

  1. Log on to ProcessMaker Platform.

  2. Click the Designer option from the top menu. The Designer Home Screen displays.

Quickly View or Create Assets

To view and create a Project asset from the Designer Home Screen, you must meet any of the following conditions:

  • You must be a member of any Project. If you are not in a Project, create your own!

  • Your user account or group membership must have the "View" and "Create" permissions for that asset type.

  • Your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected.

View the Designer Home Screen to view the Assets pane.

From the Assets pane, mouse-hover over any of the following to create or view all assets of that type. Note that your user account or group membership must have the appropriate permissions to view and/or create that asset type.

Quickly Access Project Assets Recently Accessed

View the Designer Home Screen to view the Recent Assets From My Projects pane.

From the Recent Assets From My Projects pane, click a Project asset that you recently accessed. The Recent Assets From My Projects pane displays the following about Project assets you recently accessed:

  • Type: The Type column displays the type of asset.

  • Name: The Name column displays the name of the asset. Click the name to edit the asset.

  • Last Modified: The Last Modified column displays when the asset was last modified. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

Quickly Access Your Projects

View the Designer Home Screen to view the My Projects pane.

From the My Projects pane, click a Project in which you are a member. The default My Projects section displays the following about your Projects:

  • Name: The Name column displays the name of the Project.

  • Modified: The Modified column displays the date and time any new asset is added or any of its assets modified. The time zone setting to display the time is according to the ProcessMaker Platform instance unless your user profile's Time zone setting is specified.

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