Edit an Environmental Variable

Edit the sensitive information that an Environment Variable represents.

Edit a Environment Variable

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to edit a Environment Variable unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Environment Variables: Edit Environment Variables

  • Environment Variables: View Environment Variables

See the Environment Variable permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to edit an Environment Variable:

  1. View your Environment Variables. The Environment Variables page displays.

  2. Edit the following information about the Environment Variable as necessary:

    • In the Name setting, edit the unique name of the Environment Variable. The Environment Variable name can only contain letters, numbers, and hyphens (-). This is a required setting.

    • In the Description setting, enter the description of the Environment Variable. This is a required setting.

    • Optionally, in the Value setting, edit or enter the Environment Variable value. Entering or editing a value is optional since Environment Variables are secure, abstract proxies for sensitive information you assign to contain a value that can be determined during an in-progress Request.

  3. Click Save.

See Environment Variable Syntax, Usage, and Examples for how to use an Environment Variable in each programming language that supports.

What is an Environment Variable?View Environment VariablesCreate a New Environment VariableSearch for an Environment VariableDelete an Environment Variable

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