Develop a Custom Package for Use in ProcessMaker Platform

Learn how to develop a custom package for ProcessMaker Platform to extend its functionality.


Extend ProcessMaker's functionality with custom functions and/or integrations with third-party services by developing your own package.


The following are required or assumed to successfully create a package for ProcessMaker Platform:

  • You are a developer that is comfortable performing command-line operations. This is an advanced development topic.

  • You are comfortable and knowledgeable about Laravel artisan commands. See Laravel documentation.

  • ProcessMaker Platform is installed on your local computer.

  • PHP version 7 or later.

Create a Package

Follow these steps to create a package for ProcessMaker Platform:

  1. Create a directory as a sibling directory to your local ProcessMaker Platform installation directory. This example names the new directory processmaker-plugins.

    For example, if your ProcessMaker Platform installation is within the directory opt/processmaker, create the processmaker-plugins directory at Documents/processmaker-plugins.

    mkdir processmaker-plugins

  2. Clone the package-skeleton GitHub repository into your processmaker-plugins directory.

    cd processmaker-plugins

    git clone

  3. Rename the cloned directory. This example uses the new name my-first-package.

    mv package-skeleton my-first-package

  4. Change to the renamed directory, my-first-package.

    cd my-first-package

  5. Rename the references of "package-skeleton" to the revised name of your package skeleton, "my-first-package". The following command renames all instances in the project.

    php rename-project.php my-first-package

  6. Edit the following JSON objects in the composer.json file from the package:

    • name: Edit the name JSON object that references the directory path to your package development environment, such as my-first-package.

    • friendly_name: Edit the friendly_name JSON object to the name of your revised project directory, such as "My First Package".

    Perform these commands:

    cd my-first-package

    vim composer.json

    Below is an example of these JSON objects in the composer.json file in the my-first-package directory after they are edited:


    "name": "processmaker/my-first-package",

    "friendly_name": "My First Package",


  7. Save the changes: press the Esc key and enter :wq to save the composer.json file and exit from vim.

  8. In your local ProcessMaker Platform installation, locate the composer.json file, and add a reference to your package in the repositories JSON array.

    cd /opt/processmaker

    vim composer.json

    Below is an example of the repositories JSON array in the composer.json file in the my-first-package directory after they are edited:

    “repositories”: [


    "type": "path",

    "url": "../processmaker-plugins/my-first-package"



  9. Save the changes: press the Esc key and enter :wq to save the composer.json file and exit from vim.

  10. Edit the console.php file located inside your package to set up that package with the artisan commands in line 3 of that file. The commands below reference the processmaker-plugins/my-first-package directory since this example names the package as such:

    cd /opt/

    cd processmaker-plugins/my-first-package

    cd routes

    vim console.php

  11. Save the changes: press the Esc key and enter :wq to save the composer.json file and exit from vim.

  12. Build your package repository assets inside your package. The second command below references the processmaker-plugins/my-first-package directory since this example names the package as such:

    cd /opt/

    cd processmaker-plugins/my-first-package/

    npm install

    npm run development

  13. Rename the controller file PackageSkeletonController.php to the name of your package's name. Since this package uses the name processmaker-plugins/my-first-package, this example changes PackageSkeletonController.php to MyFirstPackageController.php:

    cd processmaker-plugins/my-first-package

    cd src/Http/Controllers


  14. Inside your package, locate the controller file.

    mv PackageSkeletonController.php MyFirstPackageController.php

  15. Open your renamed file and ensure the controller file MyFirstPackageController.php has the same class name as your package project's name. Since in this example uses MyFirstPackageController.php as renamed in the previous step, this example uses the following in line 12:

    class MyFirstPackageController extends Controller

  16. Exit the file: press the Esc key and enter :q.

  17. Optionally, to delete your package when uninstalling it, include the code below in the console.php file of your package located in the file /opt/processmaker-plugins/my-first-package/routes/console.php. Since this package uses the name my-first-package for this example, the second and fourth commands below references this name:

    // Uninstall package-skeleton

    Artisan::command('my-first-package:uninstall', function () {

    // Remove the vendor assets


    $this->info('The package has been uninstalled');

    })->describe('Uninstalls package');

  18. Install the package using composer. Install the package via composer in your ProcessMaker Platform root folder. Since this package uses the name my-first-package for this example, the second command below references this name:

    cd /opt/processmaker

    composer require processmaker/my-first-package --ignore-platform-reqs

  19. Setup the package with the php artisan command in your ProcessMaker Platform root folder, referencing the name of your package. Since this package uses the name my-first-package for this example, the command below references this name:

    php artisan my-first-package:install

Uninstall the Package

Follow these steps to uninstall a custom package:

  1. Go to the ProcessMaker root directory, such as /opt/processmaker.

  2. Run the following commands, changing my-first-package in the second command to the directory name of your package:

    php artisan my-first-package:uninstall

    composer remove processmaker/my-first-package --ignore-platform-reqs

What is a Package?

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