Edit a Link for a Menu

Edit a hyperlink for a custom menu that displays at the top of the ProcessMaker Platform user interface.

Package Required

The Dynamic UI package must be installed to edit a link for a menu.

Your user account must have the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected to edit a menu link that you did not create.

Follow these steps to edit a menu:

  1. View all menus in your organization. The Menus tab displays:

  2. Edit the following settings as necessary:

    • In the Link Text setting, edit a unique name for the link. This is a required setting if an icon is not selected from the Icon setting.

    • From the Icon setting, select an icon to display to the left of the link text. This is a required setting if the Link Text setting does not contain a value.

    • From the Color Variant setting, select a color to display for the link. Both the link text and the icon display in the selected color. Select from one of the following options:

      • black: Black-colored. This is the default option.

      • danger: Red-colored

      • info: Teal-colored

      • primary: Blue-colored

      • secondary: Gray-colored

      • success: Green-colored

      • warning: Yellow-colored

      • white: White-colored

    • In the URL setting, edit the URL that links to the location. See the following regarding how to locate the URL for these ProcessMaker locations:

    • Select the Open in a new window checkbox to open the link in a new browser window.

  3. Click Save.

What is a Menu?View MenusCreate a MenuLocate the URL for ProcessMaker Platform LocationsCreate a Link for a MenuDelete a Link from a MenuDelete a Link from a MenuSort the Order of Links in a MenuDelete a MenuMenu Design Best PracticesConfigure a Custom Home Page and/or MenuDynamic UI PackageWhat is a Package?

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