What is Analytics Management?

Understand what Analytics Management display in ProcessMaker Platform.


Use the Analytic Reporting package to view graphical reports that provide insight and analysis of how well your Processes perform. Use Analytics Reports to do the following:

  • Get an overview and user performance across the platform.

  • Get an overview of historical performance of a single Process.

  • Get a deeper dive into how Process design affects Request performance for a Process.

  • Filter data by date by mouse-hovering over graphical visualizations of your Process Analytics in each dashboard. Each dashboard carries you through to the next level down.

  • Place Analytics charts into Request participant Welcome Screens to inform Request participants and business stakeholders that work is happening efficiently.

These reports pull data from ProcessMaker Platform's datalake. These reports are available in the Analytics top menu in the platform, creating a dedicated space for data visualizations and analysis.

There are two types of Analytics Reports:

  • Dashboards: They are default reports available for all users in your organization. Those can be configured by your Administrator. See Configure Environment Variables for Analytics Reports.

  • Your Analytics Reports: They are custom reports that administrators can configure to display for specific users or groups in your company. Configure Your Analytic Reports in Analytics Management.

After an Administrator creates and configures Analytics Reports, the Analytics panel displays them in Dashboards and Your Analytics Reports for each user account.

What is a Package?

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