Create an Analytics Report

Create a new Analytics Report.

Package Required

The Analytic Reporting package must be installed.

Permissions Required

Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to create an Analytics Report unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Analytics Reporting: Create Analytics

  • Analytics Reporting: View Analytics

See the Analytic Reporting permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Follow these steps to create an Analytics Report:

  1. View your Analytics Reports. The Analytics page displays.

  2. In the Name setting, enter the name of the Analytics Report. This name must be unique from all other Analytics Reports. This is a required setting.

  3. In the Description setting, enter the description of the Analytics Report. This is a required setting.

  4. In the Link setting, enter the QuickSight URL to embed your Analytics Report. This is a required setting. Follow these guidelines:

    1. Ensure that ProcessMaker has granted you access to your AWS QuickSight dashboard.

    2. Click the Share icon from your AWS QuickSight dashboard as described in this AWS QuickSight documentation.

    3. Copy the embed code.

    4. Locate the URL within the src property of the embed code, and then enter it into the Link setting. The URL is structured as follows: https://quicksightdomain/sn/embed/share/accounts/accountid/dashboards/dashboardid?directory_alias=account_directory_alias

  5. Click Add. The new report displays in the Analytics page.

Analytics Reporting PackageWhat is a Package?

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