Fixes and Known Issues - Winter 2025

Product Fixes

The Winter 2025 release of the ProcessMaker Platform includes a series of important fixes to enhance functionality and improve overall user experience. This update addresses a variety of issues, ensuring smoother performance, greater stability, and improved usability across several key features.

Version 4.12.2

Release Date: January 7, 2025

  • Resolved an issue where Available Columns were not listed in Saved Search configuration, preventing users from adding custom columns.

Version 4.12.1

Release Date: December 17, 2024

  • Fixed an issue where the break control in the middle of a conversational form caused the form to end prematurely. Now, when a user encounters a break, they can continue viewing and interacting with all remaining controls in the form until completion.

  • Resolved an issue where assigned categories were not correctly displayed for Screens, Scripts, Decision Tables, and Data Connectors when multiple categories were selected.

  • PDF files with missing embedded fonts caused display issues in the preview file component, particularly for watermarked documents. Rendering has been adjusted to support files without embedded fonts, ensuring proper display.

  • The Reassignment Permissions setting has been rolled back from the general configuration settings of a process. This change ensures consistency and smooth task reassignment across the platform.

Version 4.12.0

Release Date: December 03, 2024

  • Synchronization now skips errors during API calls or user processing and continues with the next batch to ensure completion.

  • Parallel tasks in a Multi-Instance Parallel Loop are now correctly assigned to the specified users defined in the array variable instead of defaulting to the Process Manager.

  • The hamburger menu in mobile view now receives visible focus when navigating with the tab key, ensuring improved accessibility for keyboard users.

  • SCIM provisioning now preserves the user's ACTIVE status in ProcessMaker during updates, unless explicitly set to INACTIVE by the IDP.

  • Importing a Process Template now correctly retains the embedded LaunchPad links, ensuring all configurations are preserved during the import.

  • Users with only Project Permissions can now only create new assets using the +Asset button and are restricted from adding existing assets outside their assigned projects.

  • The /tasks?include=data endpoint now successfully returns the task list with their data, resolving the 500 server error.

  • The Home Page redirection with "Redirect to URL" now works correctly for users logging in via SAML through the MyApps menu or SAML App URL, ensuring consistent redirection to the configured URL regardless of the login method.

  • Task reassignment is now restricted to the set pool of users or groups defined for the task, preventing standard users from assigning tasks to any user in the application. Additionally, user data exposure through the users endpoint has been addressed.

  • The getScriptExecutionResponse function now works correctly with the provided key, ensuring scripts execute without errors and return the expected result.

  • Line charts now render accurately with multiple categories, ensuring both lines and dots display correctly in saved searches.

  • The "Start Request" button layout is now consistent across all processes, regardless of the character length in the process name, ensuring a responsive and uniform design on all device types.

Known Issues

The following issues are being investigated and will be addressed in a future update.

Version 4.12.0

  • Process Managers require admin permissions to view Processes|Manage list.
    Workaround: There are no workarounds at the moment, but the issue will be resolved a future release.

  • The nested screen dropdown can some times exhibit unresponsive behavior.

  • The last comment line in the CSS of a screen template is lost when applying new CSS from another screen template.
    Workaround: Add a placeholder comment at the end of the CSS to prevent the actual last comment from being removed.

  • A 400 error occurs when a user without permissions attempts to import a password-protected process into a project.
    Workaround: Ensure the user importing the process has appropriate permissions, or temporarily assign the required permissions before the import process.

  • The file upload control in a Conversational screen obstructs the label of the next control, making it unreadable.

    Workaround: Adjust the Conversational screen layout to add more spacing between the file upload control and subsequent controls to ensure visibility of the labels.

  • The "IN" validation rule does not function correctly in conversational screens, failing to validate input as expected.

    Workaround: Use custom JavaScript validation within the screen to replicate the "IN" rule functionality until the issue is resolved.

  • Screen templates with a "." in their name can be created and exported but are not recognized during the import process.

    Workaround: Rename the screen template to remove any "." characters before exporting it to ensure successful import.

  • Controls with visibility rules configured are displayed even when the specified condition is not met.

    Workaround: Use custom JavaScript logic within the screen to enforce visibility conditions until the issue is resolved.

  • The helper text configuration in the Line Input control of a Conversational screen does not display as expected.

    Workaround: Use a custom text control placed below the Line Input to mimic helper text functionality until the issue is resolved.