Delete an Authenticated Client

Delete an authenticated client.

Delete an Authenticated Client


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to delete an authenticated client unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Auth Clients: Delete Auth Clients

  • Auth Clients: View Auth Clients

See the Auth Clients permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

When authenticated client information is deleted, the application to whom the client authentication applied no longer can access our RESTful API in your instance.

Deleting an authenticated client from the Auth Clients page cannot be undone.

Follow these steps to delete authenticated client information:

  1. View all authenticated clients. The Auth Clients page displays.

  2. Click the menu, and then select the Delete Auth Client option for the authenticated client to delete. The Caution screen displays to confirm the deletion of the authenticated client.  

  3. Click Confirm.