Edit the Process Model Information

Edit information regarding the Process model.


Your user account or group membership must have the following permissions to edit the Process model identifier unless your user account has the Make this user a Super Admin setting selected:

  • Processes: Edit Processes

  • Processes: View Processes

See the Process permissions or ask your Administrator for assistance.

Edit the Process Model Identifier

Process Modeler assigns a unique identifier to the Process model. However, the Process model's identifier value can be changed if it is unique to all other nodes in the Process model.

Follow these steps to edit the identifier value for a Process model:

  1. Ensure that the Configuration panel displays. If not, show it.

  2. In the Node Identifier setting, edit the Process model's identifier to a unique value from all nodes in the Process model and then press Enter. The identifier value is changed.

Edit the Process Model Name

Process Modeler assigns a name to the Process model that has no association with the Process name. This name has no affect on the Process model or Requests, so its name is not relevant. The default Process model name can be changed.

Follow these steps to edit the Process model name:

  1. View your Processes. The Processes page displays.

  2. Click anywhere in the Process model other than any Process element so that no elements are selected. The Configuration panel displays.

  3. In the Name setting, edit the Process model's name and then press Enter. The name is changed.


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